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Distinctive Unit Insignia

A gold colored metal and enamel device 1 1/4 inches (3.18 cm) in height overall consisting of a gold cross bottony surmounted by a black annulet surrounding an heraldic fountain (wavy gold and blue bars) all on a red disc, in base a red scroll semi-circular and concentric, superimposed on the cross and disc and bearing the inscription "SUPPORT IS STRENGTH" in gold letters.

The heraldic fountain represents the campaign streamer awarded the unit for service in the Ryukyu Islands World War II, and its amphibious operations. The black circle symbolizes the continuous support of motor transportation. The cross bottony refers to transporting capabilities in all directions while it is also a part of the State of Maryland coat of arms where the 42d Transportation Battalion was activated. Brick red is a color used by the Transportation Corps.

The distinctive unit insignia was approved on 26 July 1967.

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